Tuesday, December 3, 2013


O, like a tiny cradle,
Could thy heart become,
God would on earth again,
Be born an infant son.

Angelus Silesius (1624-1677)


Gail said...

HI GRIZZ- lovely woodpecker, (right?)
Our birds are flocking to the feeder all day. SO beautiful to watch. I posted yesterday and sort of changed the name of my blog to "ACT THREE", hope to have you come by.
Love to you always

Grizz………… said...


Woodpecker, indeed—of a sort. A flicker, or more properly, a yellow-shafted flicker. I've been working on my firewood, but did stop from time to time to watch birds flocking to the feeders—though today, here, was warm. It's 50˚F right now, going on 11:00 p.m.

I saw your Thanksgiving FB pics, BTW, and will look at the blog and report. Like the new name already.